王瑶 讲师









2023.11~至今      上海理工大学 皇冠新体育官网  讲师

2014.072023.10                上海市地质调查研究院      工程师



工学博士  上海大学  环境工程

工学硕士  上海大学  环境工程

工学学士  上海大学  环境工程



[1]. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,典型固废焚烧残余物中有价金属利用潜力研究:从资源量到可采储量,主持,在研;

[2]. 上海市科委启明星计划扬帆专项,国土空间复合利用政策驱动下区域土地利用碳排放强度演化特征及影响机制研究,主持,在研;

[3]. 上海市生态环境局重点科研项目,上海市“无废城市”建设重点领域典型固废源头减量与资源化利用关键技术与管理对策研究,合作,在研;

[4]. 上海市绿化和市容管理局管理咨询课题,基于保洁员日常管理的生活垃圾投放点周边环境常态化管理机制研究,主持,在研;

[5]. 上海城投集团科研项目,生活垃圾焚烧飞灰基础特征解析与高值化利用评价,主持,在研;

[6]. 国家重点研发计划固废专项,固废焚烧残余物稳定化无害化处理技术与装备,参与,结题

[7]. 华东师范大学上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室开放课题,国土空间复合利用政策对土地利用/覆被变化碳排放影响评估——以上海为例,主持,结题

[8]. 上海市自然资源局,土地整备引导区生态基底调查与监测、上海市土地质量监测,主持,结题;


[10]. 工业园区固废管理系列项目:上海化学工业区、奉贤杭州湾开发区工业固体废物管理规划,技术负责,结题;

[11]. 国家工业生态园区创建系列项目:上海市张江高科技园区、市北高新区、闵行经开区、漕河泾开发区、合肥经开区等,参与,结题;



4以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Hazardous Materials, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Chemical Engineering Journal等杂志发表中科院1区论文十余篇。

[1]. Wang, Y.*, Li W., Nie Y., Yue Y., He J., Qian G., 2024. Potential and durability of supplementary cementitious material prepared by incineration fly ash: Co-sintering and water-washing treatment[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal 496, 153992.

[2]. Xiao L., Wang Y.*, Li W., Zhang Q., Yue Y., Qian G.*, 2024. Double high-value utilization of valuable resources in the process of co-sintering detoxification of high chlorine incineration fly ash and blast furnace dust[J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 204, 107506.

[3]. Zhang Q., Xiao L., Zhang H., Wang Y.*, Yue Y., Zhang J., Qian G.*, 2024. Environmental sustainability of closed-loop regeneration of NaHCO3 in CO2 utilization-driven desulfurization ash: From the perspective of integrated hybrid life cycle assessment[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production 468, 143016.

[4]. Wang, Y.*, Xiao, L., Lv J., Zhang M., Li J.*, Su W., Qian G., 2024. Carbon tax-driven technological innovation may accelerate the directional recovery of waste cooking oil into bio-jet fuel: An evolutionary game approach[J]. Science of the Total Environment 931, 172886.

[5].Wang, Y., Xiao, L., Zheng R., Li W., Lv J., Liu J.*, Qian G.*, 2023. Local-specific optimal selection and interprovincial embodied benefits of secondary aluminum dross reutilization in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 199, 107227.

[6].Wang Y., Fan H., Wang H.*, Che Y., Wang J., Liao Y., Lv S., 2023. High-carbon expansion or low-carbon intensive and mixed land-use? Recent observations from megacities in developing countries: A case study of Shanghai, China. Journal of Environmental Management 348, 119294.

[7].Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Xu, J.*, Zhong, J., Wei, F., Zhang, J., Zheng, Y., Qian, G., 2023. Footprints in compositions, PCDD/Fs and heavy metals in medical waste fly ash: large-scale evidence from 17 medical waste thermochemical disposal facilities across China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 445, 130471.

[8].Wang, Y., Dong, J., Liu, J., Zheng, R., Yue, Y., Zhang, Y., Qian, G. *, 2022. Toward a sustainable municipal solid waste incineration fly-ash utilization network: integrating hybrid life cycle assessment with multi-objective optimization. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 10, 7635-7647.

[9].Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Yue Y., Qian, G*, 2022. Characteristics and resource availability of Zinc-rich fly ash generated from medical waste through rotary and plasma thermal treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 8, 100184.

[10].Wang, Y., Shi, Y., Zhou, J., Zhao, J., Maraseni, T., Qian, G. *, 2021. Implementation effect of municipal solid waste mandatory sorting policy in Shanghai. Journal of Environmental Management 298, 113512.

[11].Xiao, L., Wang, Y.*, Zheng, R., Liu, J., Zhao, J., Maraseni, T., Qian, G.*, 2023. Identification of recycling pathways for secondary aluminum dross with integrated hybrid life cycle assessment. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 193, 106987.

[12].Dong, J., Wang, Y.*, Qian, X., Xing, X., Xiao, L., Qian, G.*, 2023. Overcapacity-driven regional waste incineration facility network planning with residential land value maximization involved: a case study of Shanghai, China. Sustainable Cities and Society 94, 104561.

[13].Zhang, M., Wang, Y.*, Qian, X., Zhao, J., Nie, Y., Qian, G.*, 2023. Competition and price strategies of hazardous waste collection for small and micro enterprises based on dual-channel reverse supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production 386, 135714.

[14]. Jin, S., Wang, Y.*, Qian, X., Zhou, J., Nie, Y., Qian, G.*, 2022. A signaling game approach of siting conflict mediation for the construction of waste incineration facilities under information asymmetry. Journal of Cleaner Production 335, 130178.

[15].Zheng, R., Wang, Y.*, Liu, Z., Zhou, J., Yue, Y., Qian, G.*, 2022. Environmental and economic performances of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash low-temperature utilization: An integrated hybrid life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 340, 130680.







