章睿妍 讲师









通讯地址:上海市杨浦区军工路516号 邮政编码:200093



2016-09 ~ 2022-03 同济大学 机械与能源工程学院(供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程专业)博士

2011-09 ~ 2014-03  Fachhochshule Münster(德国) 建筑、能源、环境技术管理专业 硕士

2007-09 ~ 2011-07 同济大学/ Fachhochshule Münster(德国) 中德工程学院 建筑设施智能技术专业 本科



2011-10 ~ 2015-08 TECE有限公司 研发工程师

2015-09~ 2016-03 安德烈斯蒂尔动力工具(青岛)有限公司 测试工程师

2022-07 ~至今 上海理工大学 皇冠新体育官网 讲师











[1] Zhang, R., Li, Z., & Zeng, L. (2020). Experimental study of the relationship between initial single-pass efficiency and structural parameters of honeycomb adsorption filters. Building and Environment, 186, 107332. 

[2] Zhang, R., Li, Z., Zeng, L., & Wang, F. (2021). Pressure drop in honeycomb adsorption filters filled with granular activated carbon. Powder Technology, 393, 550-558.

[3] Zhang, R., Zeng, L., Wang, F., Li, X., & Li, Z. (2022). Influence of pore volume and surface area on benzene adsorption capacity of activated carbons in indoor environments. Building and Environment, 216, 109011.

[4] Zhang Ruiyan, Li Zhenhai*, Zeng Lingjie, Li Shan. Experimental study on the effect of ununiform face air velocity on the performance of adsorption function of portable air cleaners. 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air 2020.

[5] Zhang Ruiyan, Li Zhenhai*, Zeng Lingjie, Wang Fei. (2019, July). Prediction of Pressure Drop in Adsorption Filter Using Friction Factor Correlations for Packed Bed. In The International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (pp. 511-519). Springer, Singapore.

[6] Zeng, L., Gao, J., Lv, L., Du, B., Zhang, Y., Zhang, R., ... & Zhang, X. (2021, June). Localization and characterization of intermittent pollutant source in buildings with ventilation systems: Development and validation of an inverse model. In Building Simulation (Vol. 14, pp. 841-855). Tsinghua University Press.

[7] Zeng, L., Gao, J., Lv, L., Zhang, R., Tong, L., Zhang, X., ... & Zhang, Z. (2020). Markov-chain-based probabilistic approach to optimize sensor network against deliberately released pollutants in buildings with ventilation systems. Building and Environment, 168, 106534.

[8] Wang, F., Li, Z., Wang, P., & Zhang, R. (2018). Experimental study of oil particle emission rate and size distribution during milling. Aerosol Science and Technology, 52(11), 1308-1319.

[9] Zeng, L., Gao, J., Du, B., Zhang, R., & Zhang, X. (2018). Probability-based inverse characterization of the instantaneous pollutant source within a ventilation system. Building and Environment, 143, 378-389. 

[10] Zeng, L., Gao, J., Lv, L., Zhang, R., Chen, Y., Zhang, X., ... & Zhang, Z. (2020). Markov-chain-based inverse modeling to fast localize hazardous gaseous pollutant sources in buildings with ventilation systems. Building and Environment, 169, 106584.




1. 吸附滤网初始效率测量方法、系统、存储介质及装置,已授权,第一发明人(2021.06.15ZL202010170056.7

2. 蜂窝形吸附滤网阻力测试方法、系统、存储介质及装置,已授权,第一发明人(2021.07.23ZL202010187054.9

3. 固定床空隙率测量系统及其使用方法,已授权,第一发明人(2021.09.21ZL201910329848.1

4. 一种基于飞行传感器巡逻轨迹优化的突发污染溯源方法,已授权,第三发明人(2021.03.09ZL201910131930.3

5. 一种面向工业环境移动个体的工位送风设计方法,已授权,第三发明人(2022.05.31ZL202011594369.1

6. 工人在车间移动停留时间概率峰谷图的绘制方法及其应用,已授权,第三发明人(2022.08.19ZL202011598115.7

7. 一种覆盖工人呼吸平面域的提取方法,第三发明人

8. 一种空调通风系统内部环境参数的监测反馈及分析方法,第三发明人

9. 一种发泡炉废气处理装置,第二发明人

10. 联合视觉探测与浓度传感的建筑环境突发污染源辨识技术,第三发明人

11. 一种基于马尔科夫矩阵判定的室内突发空气污染预警优化技术,第三发明人
