2016.09–2019.08 韩国庆熙大学(Kyung Hee University)机械工程 (计算流体力学) 博士荣获优秀博士学位论文
2014.09–2016.08 韩国庆熙大学(Kyung Hee University) 机械工程 (计算流体力学) 硕士
2010.09–2014.07上海理工大学 环境工程 学士
2019.12 ~至今 皇冠新体育官网 讲师
1. 电磁流体力学
2. 大气污染扩散过程
3. 环境反应器模拟
4. 多相流动与传热传质
5. 热电发生器
1. “使用纳米/微米技术提高能量转换效率”,韩国国家研究基金(BK 21 PLUS 工程),2013.09 - 2020.08,主要研究人员
2. “多通道管道的壁面局部电导率对液态金属流速分布和对流换热的影响”,韩国国家研究基金(核聚变工程), 2015.08 - 2018.02,主要研究人员
1. Y. Luo, C. N. Kim.Effects of the cross-sectional area ratios and contact resistance on the performance of a cascaded thermoelectric generator [J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43: 2172-2187. (SCI)
2. Y. Luo, M.M. Wen, C. N. Kim, S.J. Yang. Imbalance of the liquid-metal flow and heat extraction in a manifold with sub-channels having locally different electric conductivity [J].Fusion Engineering and Design, 2017, 117: 63-73. (SCI)
3. Y. Luo, C. N. Kim, M.Q. Zhu. Magnetohydrodynamic flows tuning in a conduit with multiple channels under a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of flow [J].Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, 29(2): 332-343. (SCI)
4. Y. Luo, C. N. Kim. Effects of Hartmann number and conductance ratio on the flow imbalance in merging ducts with locally different electric conductivities [J].Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2017, 31(10): 4813-4823. (SCI)
5. Y. Luo,M.Q. Zhu, C. N. Kim. Magnetohydrodynamic flows in a dis-aligned duct system under a uniform magnetic field [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018, 32(2): 647-658. (SCI)
6. Y. Luo, M.Q. Zhu, C. N. Kim. Flow imbalance in MHD flows in splitting ducts with locally different electric conductivities of the walls [J].Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2018, 30(5): 920-927. (SCI)
1. Y. Luo et al., Magnetohydrodynamic flows in a conduit with multiple channels under a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of flow, 3rd International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Material Engineering (ICAMME’15), 2015, Singapore
2. Y. Luo et al., Computational Analysis of MHD Flows in a Conduit with Multiple Channels under a Magnetic Field, 2nd International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF’15), 2015, Barcelona, Spain
3. Y. Luo et al., Numerical examination of the performance of TEG devices, 3rd International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, The 35th International Conference and the 1st Asian Conference on Thermoelectric, 2016, Wu Han, China
4. Y. Luoet al., Numerical analysis of the TEG (Thermo-Electric Generator) performance with contact resistances, European Advanced Materials Congress, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden
5. Y. Luo et al.,Effect of the geometry parameter and contact resistance on the performance of a cascaded thermoelectric generator, 5th International Conference on “Engineering & Technology, Computer, Basic & Applied Sciences, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
6. Y. Luo et al., Numerical analysis of LM MHD flows in splitting ducts under a uniform magnetic field, The 2018 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering World Congress on Engineering, 2018, London, United Kingdom
7. Y. Luoet al., Comparison of the MHD flow characteristics of lithium and eutectic lead-lithium alloy in a conduit with multiple channels having locally different electric conductivity, Global Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, 2019, Hokkaido, Japan