林尧林 副教授


林尧林上海理工大学,皇冠新体育官网,武汉理工大学,土木工程与建筑学院,副教授,美国Bes-Tech(百时得)建筑能源技术公司总工程师,SCI期刊Energy Exploration & Exploitation客座主编,Sustainability 客座编辑,Energies专题编辑,Frontiers in Energy Research副主编,中国建筑节能协会建筑调适与运维专业委员会委员。

Concordia University Canada博士、美国注册机械工程师、加拿大注册工程师、美国供热、制冷空调工程协会会员、国际建筑仿真协会会员、国际建筑物理协会会员、中国制冷学会高级会员,入选第八批“3551光谷人才计划”。曾任美国Bes-Tech(百时得)建筑能源技术公司总工程师。主持和参与50多个大型建筑节能工程的方案评估及改造实施,包括美国应用材料公司在硅谷总部以及因特尔公司在凤凰城的总部的节能改造。实施过的项目遍及美国、加拿大、法国、新加坡、中国等5个国家。在国内外学术期刊上发表和录用论文80余篇,其中高被引论文(ESI) 1篇,SCI检索近40, EI检索30篇,ISTP检索6篇,授权专利4项,软件著作权2项。担任30多个国际权威学术期刊Energy; Applied Energy; Energy and Buildings; Building and Environment; International Journals of Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics; Building Services Engineering Research and Technology; Energy Efficiency; Building Simulation;ASHRAE及本专业Applied Energy国际会议及ASHRAE年会的论文评审人。曾受邀到美国加州伯克利大学劳伦斯国家实验室作专题讲座,并曾在香港大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学作报告。任SCI期刊Energy Exploration & Exploitation客座主编,Energies专题编辑,Frontiers in Energy Research副主编。



加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)建筑工程专业博士(2007)




2019.11-今    上海理工大学,皇冠新体育官网,副教授

2014.3—      武汉理工大学土木建筑与工程学院,副教授

2008.7—2014.4   美国Bes-Tech公司加州分部,高级工程师、总工程师

2007.6—2008.7  加拿大安省理工大学,博士后研究员

2003.8—2007.5  加拿大Concordia大学,助理研究员





· Energy Exploration & Exploitation (SCI): 客座主编

· Frontiers in Energy Research (SCI) 副主编

· Sustainability (SCI) 客座编辑

· Energies (SCI)专题编辑

· Frontiers in Built Environment (ESCI) 副主编

· Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering副主编

国际SCI权威期刊审稿人:Energy; Applied Energy; Energy and Buildings; Building and Environment; International Journals of Refrigeration; Journal of Cleaner Production30多个国际SCI权威期刊审稿人





· 2017-2019 湖北省基金项目:基于PM2.5浓度控制的居住建筑节能策略研究

· 2016-2017 湖南省住房和城乡建设厅2016年科学技术项目计划:既有建筑空调系统节能改造控制技术研究

· 2015-2017 “3551光谷人才计划”项目:基于云计算的工业能源管理系统

· 2015-2017 武汉市地产集团项目:建筑物全面优化节能改造方案研究

· 2015-2016 横向课题项目:建筑能源管理系统优化控制策略研究

· 2014-2017 武汉理工大学海外博士科研启动金项目:被电致变色穹顶覆盖房子的节能研究

· 2014-2016 法开署项目:武汉既有公共建筑规模化节能改造机制及实施策略

· 2014-2016武汉理工大学自主创新研究基金项目:绿色建筑环境监测与设计方案评价研究



· 本科生:《太阳能利用技术》、《现代空调技术》、《建筑环境测试技术》、《建筑电气技术》、《节能建筑计算与仿真》、《绿色照明技术》、《流体输配管网》、《冷热源工程》、《生态城市学》(双语)、《洁净空调技术》、《通风工程》等课程及毕业设计。

· 研究生:《建筑环境模拟理论与方法》、《建筑环境与设备控制技术》、《建筑与土木工程创新与实践》、《人与建筑环境》等课程。

· 指导学生大赛情况:

· 2019年“华为杯”全国研究生数学建模竞赛二等奖

· 2019年“华为杯”全国研究生数学建模竞赛三等奖

· 2017年 CAR-ASHRAE竞赛优秀指导老师










1> Yang,K., Hao, X*., Lin, Y*., Xing, Q., Tan, H., Hu, J., Liu X. (2021) An integrated system of water-cooled VRF and indirect evaporative chiller and its energy saving potential. Applied Thermal Engineering,194,117063(SCI/EI)

2> Lin, Y, Yang, W. (2021) Tri-optimization of building shape and envelope properties using Taguchi and constraint limit method. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (SCI, in Press)

3> Lin, Y., Zhong, S., Yang, W., Hao, X., Li, C-Q. (2021) Multi-objective design optimization on building integrated photovoltaic with Trombe wall and phase change material based on life cycle cost and thermal comfort. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 46,101277.(SCI)

4> Lin, Y., Zhao, L., Liu, X., Yang, W., Hao, X., Tian, L. (2021) Design Optimization of a Passive Building with Green Roof through Machine Learning and Group Intelligent Algorithm. Buildings, 11, 192 (SCI)

5> Lin, Y, Zhao, L, Yang, W, Hao, X, Li, C-Q. (2021) A review on research and development of passive building in China, Journal of Building Engineering, 42,102509(SCI/EI)

6> Lin, Y*, Yang, W, Hao, X (2021) Editorial: Building Integrated Renewable Energy. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 39(2): 603-607 (SCI)

7> Zhou, Z., Guo, Y., Lin Y. (2021) Energy Saving Evaluation of A Solar Integrated Vacuum Freeze Dryer and Building Air Conditioning System. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 39(2): 608-619 (SCI)

8> Chen, H, Wei, Y*, Lin, Y*, Yang, W*, Chen, X, Kolokotroni, M, Liu, X, Zhang G (2020). Investigation on the Thermal Condition of a Traditional Cold-Lane in Summer in Subtropical Humid Climate Region of China. Energies, 13(24), 6602 (SCI/EI)

9> Lin, Y*, Zhong, S, Yang, W, Hao, X, Li C (2020). Towards Zero-Energy Buildings in China: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Cleaner Production 276, 123297 (SCI)

10> Lin, Y*, Wang, H, Hu, P*, Yang, W, Hu, Q, Zhu, N, Lei, F. (2020) A Study on the Optimal Air, Load and Source Side Temperature Combination for a Variable Air and Water Volume Ground Source Heat Pump System. Applied Thermal Engineering 178, 115595 (SCI/EI)

11> Hao, X.*,   Xing, Q., Long, P., Lin, Y.*, Hu, J., Tan, H (2020). Influence of Vertical Greenery System and Green Roof on Indoor Operative Temperature of Air-Conditioned Room. Journal of Building Engineering 31, 101373 (SCI/EI)

12> Tan, H.,Hao, X.*, Long, P., Xing, Q., Lin, Y.*, Hu, J. (2020) Building Envelope Integrated Green Plants for Energy Saving. Energy Exploration & Exploitation 38(1): 222-234 (SCI)

13> Lin, Y.*, Yang, W. (2019) An ANN-Exhaustive-Listing Method for Optimization on Multiple Building Shapes and Envelop Properties with Maximum Thermal Performance. Frontiers in Energy, DOI: 10.1007/s11708-019-0607-1 (SCI/EI)

14> Liu, X., Zhou*, Y., Li, C., Lin*, Y., Yang, W., Zhang, G. (2019) Optimization of a New Phase Change Material Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal Panel with The Active Cooling Technique Using Taguchi Method. Energies 2019, 12(6), 1022; https://doi.org/10.3390/en12061022 (SCI/EI)

15> Xing, Q, Hao, X*, Lin, Y*, Tan,H. Yang, K. (2019) Experimental Investigation on the Thermal Performance of a Vertical Greening System in Winter under Wet and Cold Climates. Energy and Buildings 183: 105-117 (SCI/EI)

16> Zhou, Z., Deng, Q., Yang, G., Lin, Y.(2018) Quantitative study of using piloti for passive climate adaptability in a hot-summer and cold-winter city in China. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(7), 1487; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15071487 (SCI/SSCI)

17> Yang, W, Lin, Y*, Li, C-Q. (2018) Effects of landscape design on urban microclimate and thermal comfort in tropical climate. Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2018, Article ID 2809649, 13 pages, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2809649 (SCI)

18> Liu, D, Deng, Q*, Zhou, Z*, Lin, Y*, Tao, J. (2018) Variation Trends of Fine Particulate Matter Concentration in Wuhan City from 2013 to 2017. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2018, 15(7), 1487; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15071487 (SCI/SSCI)

19> Lin, Y., Zhou, S, Yang, W, Shi, L, Li, C-Q. (2018) Development of Building Thermal Load and Discomfort Degree Hour Prediction Models Using Data Mining Approaches. Energies 2018, 11(6), 1570; https://doi.org/10.3390/en11061570 (SCI/EI)

20> Lin, Y.*, Yang, W. (2018) Comments to paper entitled: Development of a Data-Driven Predictive Model of Supply Air Temperature in an Air-Handling Unit for Conserving Energy. Energies 2018, 11(6), 1453; https://doi.org/10.3390/en11061453 (SCI/EI)

21> Lin, Y.*, Yang, W. (2018) Application of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm based Simulation for Cost-effective Building Energy Efficiency Design and Thermal Comfort Improvement. Frontiers in Energy Research 6:25; doi:10.3389/fenrg.2018.00025 (EI/ESCI SJR Q1)

22> Guo, C., Wang, Y., Luo, Y., Chen, X., Lin, Y., Liu, X. (2018) Effect of graphene oxide on the bioactivities of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria in aerobic granular sludge. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 156: 287-293 (SCI)

23> Lin, Y.*, Zou, J., Yang, W., Li, C-Q. (2018) A Review of Recent Advances in Research on PM2.5 in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, 438; doi:10.3390/ijerph15030438 (ESI前1%, SCI/SSCI)

24> Lin, Y.*, Zhou, S., Yang, W., Li, C-Q. (2018) Design optimization considering variable thermal mass, insulation, absorptance of solar radiation and glazing ratio using prediction model and Genetic Algorithm. Sustainability 10, 336; doi:10.3390/su10020336(SCI/SSCI)

25> Lin, Y.*, Yang W., Gong X. (2017) Residential Building PM2.5 Pollution Control from an Ergonomic and Energy Conservation Prospective. Ergonomic Journal International 1(5):00125

26> Hu, P., Hu, Q., Lin, Y.*, Yang, W., Xing, L. (2017) Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Ground Source Heat Pump System for a Public Building in Wuhan, China under Different Control Strategies. Energy and Buildings 152:301-312(SCI/EI)

27> Lin, Y.*, Yang W. (2017) Solar Energy Model and Thermal Performance of an Electrochromic Dome-covered House. Energy for Sustainable Development. 39:82-90 (SCI/EI)

28> Hao, X.,  Guo, C.,  Lin, Y.  Wang, H., Liu, H. (2016) Analysis of heat stress and the design standard of temperature and humidity standards ratio for refuge chambers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2016, 13, 518; doi:10.3390/ijerph13050518 (SCI/SSCI)

29> Lin, Y., Yang W., Gabriel K. (2015) A Study on the Impact of Household Occupants’ Behavior on Energy Consumption Using an Integrated Computer Model. Frontiers in Built Environment 1:16. doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2015.00016(该文章被:STEAM Register、Science News、Science Daily、Newswise、ECN、Phys.org、EurekAlert等媒体公开报导)

30> Lin, Y., Liu M., Yang W. (2015) Energy Efficiency Measures for A High-Tech Campus in California based on Total Performance Oriented Optimization and Retrofit (TPOR) Approach. Procedia Engineering 121: 75 – 81 (EI)

31> Yang, W., Wong N.H., Lin, Y., (2015) Thermal Comfort in High-rise Urban Environment in Singapore. Procedia Engineering 121: 2125 – 2131(EI)

32> Xiao, M., Lin, Y., Han, J., Zhang, G. (2014) A Review of Green Roofs Research and Development in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 40:633-648 (SCI/EI)

33> Yang W., Lin, Y., Zhou, J., Wong N.H. (2014) Thermal comfort requirements in the summer season in subtropical urban spaces. Intelligent Buildings International 6 (4):224-238 (EI) 

34> Lin, Y., Nassif, N., Liu, M. (2014) Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures in a Semiconductor Building. Energy Engineering, Journal of the Association of Energy Engineers. 111(4): 34-58 (EI)

35> Hao X., Zhu, C., Lin, Y., Wang H., Zhang G., Chen Y. (2013) Optimizing the pad thickness of evaporative air-cooled chiller for maximum energy saving. Energy and Buildings. 61: 146-152 (SCI/EI)

36> Li, Z., Lin, Y., Liao J., Liu X., Wang X. (2013) A study of energy performance and audit of commercial mall in hot-summer/warm-winter climate zone in China. Energy Efficiency. 6(3): 459-473 (SCI/SSCI/EI)

37> Zhou, J., Zhang, G., Lin, Y. Wang, H. (2011) A new virtual sphere method for estimating the role of thermal mass in natural ventilated buildings. Energy and Buildings. 43 (1): 75-81 (SCI/EI)  

38> Tian, L., Zhang, G., Lin, Y., Yu, J., Zhou, J., Zhang, Q. (2009) Mathematical model of particle penetration through smooth/rough building envelop leakages. Building and Environment. 44 (6): 1144-1149 (SCI/EI)

39> Yan, Y., Zhou, J., Lin, Y., Yang, W., Wang, P., Zhang, G. (2008) Adaptive Optimal Control Model for Building Cooling and Heating Sources. Energy and Buildings. 40 (8): 1394-1401(SCI/EI)

40> Lin, Y., Zmeureanu, R. (2008) Computer Model of the Airflow and Thermal Phenomena inside a Large Dome. Energy and Buildings. 40 (7): 1287-1296 (SCI/EI) 

41> Zhou, J., Zhang G., Lin, Y., Li, Y. (2008) Coupling of Thermal Mass and Natural Ventilation in Buildings. Energy and Buildings. 40 (6): 979-986 (SCI/EI)

42> Lin, Y., Zmeureanu, R. (2008) Three-dimensional thermal and air flow (3D-TAF) model of a dome-covered house in Canada. Renewable Energy. 33 (1): 22-34 (SCI/EI) 


43> 邹佳乐,林尧林*,杨薇 (2019).近年来PM2.5在我国的研究进展, 环境污染与防治. 41 (3):357-361+366(CSCD)

44> 胡秋实,胡平放,邢路,林尧林*,杨薇 (2018). 地源热泵空调系统的制冷季㶲分析, 建筑节能. 45(8):86-91

45> 周士筌,林尧林*,杨薇,李远,蔡晓娟(2017). 不同建筑形体对能耗影响探析, 制冷与空调.31(5):542-550

46> 李远,窦鸿文,林尧林 (2017). 武汉地区零能耗建筑探析, 建筑节能.45 (7): 28-31(指导老师)

47> 李涛,林尧林*,杨薇 (2016).基于遗传算法的绿色建筑优化设计,建筑节能.44(6):53-57

48> 李岑,杨薇,林尧林 (2016). 武汉市城市广场春季热舒适研究,华中建筑.34(7):34-39

49> 林尧林,张国强,彭建国,张泉(2002). 基于因特网和层次分析法的空调冷热源决策系统. 暖通空调. 32(5): 93-95 EI

50> 郝俊红,张国强,林尧林(2002). 基于因特网的暖通空调系统数据库开发研究. 制冷与空调. 2(4): 28-30


51> 林尧林,张国强,何彦(2002) 基于网络环境的暖通虚拟实验室的研究, 暖通空调新技术. 北京:中国建筑工程出版社.

52> 张国强,黄德才,张泉,邓启红,陈晓,陈建隆,林尧林(2002).暖通空调年鉴. 北京:中国建筑工程出版社.

53> 张国强,黄德才,周军莉,张泉,陈友明,龚光彩,俞李葵,陈晓,林尧林(2001) 暖通空调年鉴. 北京:中国建筑工程出版社.



54> Tan, H., Yang, Z., Hao, X.* , Xing, Q., Lin, Y.* , Liu, X., Hu J. Investigation on Energy Saving Potential of a Vertical Greening System in Hot Summer and ColdWinter Areas in China. The 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2019). July 12-15, 2019, Harbin, China.

55> Yang W., Lin Y.*; Li C-Q. (2018) Energy Efficient Building Design using Building Simulation, Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm, Multiple Linear Regression and Monte Carlo Approach. 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association (ANZAScA2018). Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2018, Melbourne, Australia.     

56> Yang W., Zhou, S., Lin Y.*, Li, C-Q. (2018) A Study on the Effect of Building Shape on Thermal Load. 4th International Conference On Building Energy, Environment (COBEE 20018). Feb. 5-9, 2018, Melbourne, Australia.     

57> Yang,W, Lin, Y.*, Zmeureanu R. (2015) Solar Energy Model for an Electrochromic Dome-covered House. The 8th International Cold Climate HVAC Conference. Dalian, China.

58> Lin Y., Yang W., Zmeureanu R. (2015) Verification and Validation of a Solar Energy Model for an Electrochromic Dome-covered House. The 8th International Cold Climate HVAC Conference. Dalian, China.

59> Lin, Y., Yang W., Zmeureanu R.(2014) Solar Performance of a Dom-covered House. The 4th/2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD 2014). Nanjing, China.

60> Lin, Y., Yang W., Nassif N., Liu M. (2014) Energy Efficiency Measures for a High-Tech Building with a Solar Roof. The 4th/2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD 2014). Nanjing, China.

61> Lin, Y., Yang W., Liu M. (2014) Central Plant Control Optimization with a Thermal Chilled Water Energy Storage System: A Case Study in a High-Tech Building. The 4th/2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD 2014). Nanjing, China.

62> Yang, W., Lin, Y., Wong N.H. (2014) The effect of urban design on outdoor thermal environment in a central business district area in Singapore. The 4th/2014 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (EESD 2014). Nanjing, China.

63> Zhou, J., Fan, D., Zhang, G., Hu, Y., Lin, Y. (2014) Calculation of single-sided ventilation due to unsteady wind pressure - Part 2 mean flow rate and numerical simulation. Indoor Air 2014 - 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Hong Kong, China SAR.(EI)

64> Li, Z., Zhang, G., Lin, Y., Li, D., Wang, X., Liu, X. (2009) An Experimental Study of Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Optimization for Chiller Plants. The Third International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health. Guilin, China.(ISTP)

65> Lin, Y., Gabriel, K. (2008) Computer Modeling of Occupants’ Behaviors and Building Energy Consumption in a Typical House in Oshawa, Ontario. eSim 2008.

66> Lukomski, A., Gabriel, K., Lin, Y.* (2008) Evaluation of the Building Electricity Consumption of Residential Dwellings in Oshawa. eSim 2008.

67> Lin, Y., Zmeureanu, R. (2006) Mathematical Model of the thermal performance of a dome-covered house. Research in Building Physics and Building Engineering, Fazio, P., Ge, H., Rao, J., Desmarais, G. (eds.). Canada, August, 2006 (EI).

68> Lin, Y., Zmeureanu R. (2006) Thermal Performance of a Dome-covered house. Design and Nature III, M.W. Collins & C.A. Brebia (Editors). WIT Press, UK. May, 2006. (ISTP)

69> Zhang, G., Lin, Y., Zhang, Q., Song, C. (2004) Development of Web-based HVAC&R Design and Decision-making System,Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Building Environment and Public Heath, December 6-8, 2004, Shenzhen China. (ISTP)

70> Lin, Y., Zhang, G. (2001) Research of HVAC Virtual Laboratory Based on Network Environment. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on IAQVEC2001, Vol, p1353-1358. (ISTP)

71> Lin, Y., Zhang, G. (2001) Developed Components for HVAC Decision-Making System Under Distributed Computing Environment. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on IAQVEC2001, Vol, p1367-1372. (ISTP)

72> Zhang, Q., Zhang, G., Chen, Z., Yu, L., Lin, Y. (2000) The Research of HVAC CAD Software Development Environment Based On Internet. International Symposium Air Conditioning in High Rise Buildings’2000, p514-517.


73> 林尧林,张国强,何彦(2002) 基于网络环境的暖通虚拟实验室的研究. 全国暖通空调制冷年会. 中国建筑工程出版社. 

74> 喻李葵,张国强,陈晓,林尧林,陈建隆(2002) 住宅小区集中供冷优化管理系统及其基于网络的实现. 全国暖通空调制冷年会. 中国建筑工程出版社.

75> 郝俊红,张国强,林尧林(2002). 基于因特网的暖通空调系统数据库开发研究.全国暖通空调计算机应用年会, 长沙, 2000.

76> 林尧林, 张国强. (2000) 基于因特网的暖通空调系统冷热源选择决策系统开发研究. 全国暖通空调计算机应用年会, 长沙, 2000.


77> Gabirel, K., Lukomski, A., Lin, Y. (2008) Energy Consumption Trends in Oshawa’s Residential Dwellings Project—Progress report II, presented to Oshawa PUC Networks, Inc. and OCE-Center of Energy, January 2008.


78> 林尧林,杨薇, 一种自适应的变风量空调送风温度控制器,2016.8.12,中国,201620001616.5

79> 林尧林,杨薇,一种自适应的变风量空调送风风机速度控制器,2016.1.4,中国,201620001614.6

80> 林尧林,一种自适应的冷却塔风机控制器,2015.11.5,中国,201520648438.0

81> 林尧林,田帆,刘澜,一种基于功率及压差的水泵风机流量计,2015.10.30,中国,201520641047.6



82> 林尧林,田帆,刘澜,拓远工业及建筑能源在线监管平台,中国, 2015/10/8登记号:2015SR192334

83> 林尧林,田帆,刘澜,拓远公共能源管理系统,中国, 2015/9/30登记号:2015SR190624



84>  林尧林 (2015). 基于云平台的建筑能源控制与管理优化系统



1> 2018 国际环境与能源Eni Award候选人

2> 2016年湖北省建筑节能领域突破重大专项2016)

3> 武汉理工大学2015年“先进工作者”(2016)

4> 入选第八届武汉东湖高新区“3551 光谷人才计划” (2015)  

5> Bes-Tech 2013“年度最佳员工 (2014)

6> Bes-Tech 2012年度最佳员工 (2013)



1> 湖北省建筑节能领域突破, 湖北教育频道(http://www.hbtv.com.cn /zb/201504/t20150410_1241180.html)

2> 居住者行为及建筑节能:Science News (http://esciencenews.com/articles/2016/04/01/study.shows.best.way.reduce.energy.consumption),Newswires(http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/650850/?sc=rsla), Phys.org  (https://phys.org/ news/2016-03-energy-consumption.html),Science Daily (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/03/160331142527.htm), ECN(https://www.ecnmag.com/news/2016/03/study-shows-best-way-reduce-energy-consumption),andEurekAlert https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-03/f-ssb033116.php)

3> PM2.5研究:New Zealand Herald (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/ article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12164762&ref=rss), Big News Network(News story from Big News Network on Friday 16 November 2018, 16 Nov 2018), Medical Xpress(https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-11-fine-particle-air-pollution-health.html), The Conversation (https://theconversation.com/fine-particle-air-pollution-is-a-public-health-emergency-hiding-in-plain-sight-106030), NDTV (https://www.ndtv.com/blog/how-indias-top-anti-pollution-plan-is-failing-children-1946643)
