迟琳 副教授


迟琳,入选上海市科技专家库专家(2022年)、入选上海市“科技创新行动计划”扬帆计划人才项目、入选上海理工大学“志远学者”、“思学学者”、研究生导师。长期从事低碳高性能混凝土及固废循环利用方面的研究工作先后主持和参加多项国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑项目、省部级课题。累计以第一作者和通讯(共同)作者身份在国际顶尖期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,累计影响因子104.9, 其中1区论文10篇,IF710, 总他引130次以上;担任国际期刊《Constr. Build. Mater.,SCI Total. Environ.,Mater. Struct.》等杂志审稿人。




哈尔滨工业大学  结构工程博士

哈尔滨工业大学  结构工程硕士



瑞典Alufluor 建筑材料公司 2016.01-2016.03  专项技术负责人
上海理工大学  2019.12-至今 土木工程学院  讲师


1. 国家自然科学青年金项目(No. 522082692022.1-2023.12,主持;

2. 上海市科委科技创新扬帆计划”,2020.7-2023.7, 主持;

3. 国家重点试验室,2023.1-2035.12, 主持;

4. 国家自然科学面上项目51872064),60万,参与(结题);

5. 国家自然科学面上项目51478150),80万,参与(结题)


5发表论文:Lin Chi | ResearchGate

[1] Lin CHI, Shuang LU, Zhenming LI, Chendong HUANG, Hui JIANG, Bin PENG*, Recycling of ferronickel slag tailing in cementitious materials: Activation and performance, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 861(25).(中科院1Top, IF:10.75

[2] Lin CHI, Tao DU*, Shuang LU*, Wenda LI, Mian Wang, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy monitoring of hydration behaviors of cement with Na2CO3 accelerator, Construction and building materials, 2022, 357, 129374 (中科院1 Top, IF:7.693);

[3] Zhen TANG, Zhenming LI, Jiang HUA, Shuang LU*, Lin CHI*, Enhancing the damping properties of cement mortar by pretreating coconut fibers for weakened interfaces, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 379, 134662 (中科院1 Top, IF:11.39);

[4] Zhen TANG, Guoqiang LI, Shuang LU*, Lin CHI*, Enhance mechanical damping behavior of RHA-cement mortar with bionic inorganic-organic laminated structures, Construction and building materials, 2022, 18, 69-88 (中科院1 Top, IF:7.693);

[5] Lin CHI, Wenda LI, Zhenming LI*, Zheng WANG, Shuang LU*, Investigation of the hydration properties of cement with EDTA by alternative current impedance spectroscopy, Cement and Concrete Composites, 7.693, 2022, 126:104365. (中科院1TopIF:9.93 

[6] Lin CHI, Zheng WANG, Shuang LU*, Early assessment of hydration and microstructure evolution of belite-calcium sulfoaluminate cement pastes by electrical impedance spectroscopy, Electrochimica Acta, 2021,389: 138699. (中科院2Top, IF: 7.336)

[7] Qiong LIU, Huilin TANG, Lin CHI*, Chaoxiong LU, Evolution of electrochemical impedance spectra characteristics of cementitious materials after capturing carbon dioxide, Sustainability, 15(3): 2460. (中科院3区,IF:3.37)

[8] Jun LIU, Luxi ZHAO, Lin CHI, Effect of multilayer graphene oxide on the hydration and early mechanical strength of cement mortar in low temperature, Construction and building materials, 2023, 364(3), 129997 (中科院1 Top, IF:7.693);

[9] Lin CHI, Zheng WANG, Shuang LU*, Damping additives used in cement-matrix composites: A review, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2018,164(164):26-36. (中科院1Top, IF: 11.322)

[10] Lin CHI, Zheng WANG, Shuang LU*, Development of mathematical models for predicting the compressive strength and hydration process using the EIS impedance of cementitious materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 208: 659-668. (中科院1 Top, IF:7.693)

[11] Lin CHI, Zheng WANG, Shuang LU*, Hydration activity, crystal structural and electronic properties studies of Ba-doped dicalcium silicate. Nanotechnology reviews, 2020,9(1), 273-296 (中科院3,  IF:7.848

[12] Lin CHI, Mian WANG, Zhuolin WANG, Zhenming LI*, Bin PENG, Junjie LI. Nondestructive Monitoring Hydration of Belite Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement by EIS Measurement. Materials, 2022, 15(13), 4433 (中科院3, IF:2.972).

[13] Lin CHI, Optimized Electrode Distributions of Embedded Four-Electrode Resistivity Measurement in Cement-Based Materials, IEEE Sensors Letters, 2020, 99(1). EI

[14] Lin CHI, Embedded resistivity sensor for compressive strength prediction of cement paste by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, IEEE Sensors Letters, 2021, 43(251). EI

[15] Jun LIU, Luxi Zhao, Fei Chang*, Lin CHI*, Mechanical properties and microstructure of multilayer graphene oxide cement mortar, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2021, 15(2). (中科院3区,IF:2.37)

[16] Kaihua Liu, Shahria Alam*, Jiang Zhu, Lin CHI, Prediction of carbonation depth for recycled aggregate concrete using ANN hybridized with swarm intelligence algorithms, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 301:124382. (中科院1 Top, IF:7.693)

[17] Dezhi Zhao, Shuang Lu*, Zheng Wang, Lin CHI, Functionalized PP fiber to improve compressive strength and solidification/stabilization performance of cement with heavy metals, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 278:122412. (中科院1 Top, IF:7.693)






Rilem 会议最佳论文(2016



