曲明璐 副教授



上海理工大学,皇冠新体育官网建筑环境与能源工程系,副教授。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划委扬帆科技人才计划等资助。在国内外期刊和重要会议上发表论文40余篇。其中,在专业顶级期刊《Applied Energy》、《Renewable Energy》、《Energy and Buildings》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》等发表SCI检索论文20余篇,他引次数400余次,H指数13,现为多个SCI杂志审稿人。获得国家发明专利2项。承担的本科《通风工程》、《传热学》教学工作,并承担《空调用热泵技术及应用》硕士研究生课程。多次指导本科生参加全国高等学校人工环境学科奖专业基础竞赛,获得二等奖1次,三等奖3次;指导CAR-ASHRAE学生空调系统设计竞赛,获得三等奖;多次获得上海理工大学课程教学优秀奖、大学生创新创业优秀指导团队等荣誉;所指导研究生获得国家奖学金、林建华智育奖学金、上海理工大学研究生优秀学位论文、优秀毕业生等荣誉。


  • 空气源热泵系统

  • 相变蓄能

  • 建筑设备热湿传递过程




















4.香港资助局, A novel phase change material based reverse cycle defrosting method for space heating ASHPs,已结题,参加



·         M.L. Qu*, R. Zhang, J.B. Chen, et al. Experimental analysis of heat coupling during TES based reverse cycle defrosting method for cascade air source heat pumps, Renewable Energy, 2020, 147: 35-42

·         M.L. Qu*, Y.B. Tang, T.Y. Zhang, et al. Experimental investigation on the multi-mode heat discharge process of a PCM heat exchanger during TES based reverse cycle defrosting using in cascade air source heat pumps,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 151: 154-162

·         M.L. Qu*, T.R. Li, S.M. Deng, et al. Improving defrosting performance of cascade air source heat pump using thermal energy storage based reverse cycle defrosting method, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 121: 728-736

·         M.L. Qu, Y.N Fan, J.B. Chen*, et al. Experimental study of a control strategy for a cascade air source heat pump water heater, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017,110: 835-843

·         M.L. Qu, J.B. Chen*, L.J. Nie, et al. Experimental study on the operating characteristics of a novel photovoltaic/thermal integrated dual-source heat pump water heating system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 94(1): 819-826

·         M.L. Qu, J.B. Chen*,L.N. Guo, et al. An experimental study on indoor thermal comfort of the coupled radiation panels with household replacement fresh air system, Building Services Engineering Research & Technology, 2015, 36(6): 751-763

·         M.L. Qu, L. Xia, S.M. Deng*, et al. Improved indoor thermal comfort during defrost with a novel reverse-cycle defrosting method for air source heat pumps. Building and Environment, 45 (11): 2354-2361, 2010

·         M.L. Qu, L. Xia, S.M. Deng*, et al. A study of the reverse cycle defrosting performance on a multi-circuit outdoor coil unit in an air source heat pump-Part I: experiments. Applied Energy, 91 (1): 122-129, 2012

·         M.L. Qu, D.M. Pan, L. Xia, et al. A study of the reverse cycle defrosting performance on a multi-circuit outdoor coil unit in an air source heat pump-Part II: modeling analysis. Applied Energy, 91 (1): 274-280, 2012

·         M.L. Qu, L. Xia, S.M. Deng*, et al. An experimental investigation on reverse-cycle defrosting performance for an air source heat pump using an electronic expansion valve. Applied Energy, 97: 327-333, 2012

·         M.L. Qu*, J.B. Chen, Y. Qian,et al. An Experimental Study on the Operating Performances of the Coupled Radiation Panels with Household Replacement Fresh Air System, The 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, August 16-22, 2015, Yokohama, Japan.

·         M.L. Qu*, R.F. Qin, Y.B. Tang,et al. An experimental study on the improvement of reverse cycle defrosting performances for a cascade air source heat pump using thermal energy storage based defrosting method, 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, October 19~22, 2017.

·         M.L. Qu* , T.Y.Zhang ,R. Zhang ,et al. An Experimental Study on the Energy Use during a TES-Based Reverse Cycle Defrosting Method for Cascade Air Source Heat Pumps. Environmental Science and Engineering, 2020, Vol2:1-10.

·         曲明璐*, 张童瑶, 张娆, . 复叠式空气源热泵相变蓄热器蓄放热效率实验研究. 流体机械, 2019, 47(11):66-71.

·         曲明璐*, 张娆, 张童瑶, . 复叠式空气源热泵相变蓄能除霜能耗实验研究. 制冷学报, 2019, 40(4):23-28.

·         曲明璐*,陈剑波. 融化水流动对空气源热泵换向除霜影响的模型研究. 太阳能学报, 2015,36(7): 1678-1683

·         曲明璐*,唐雍博,秦瑞丰,等. 不同室外温度下复叠式空气源热泵蓄能除霜运行特性实验研究(1):供热/蓄热模式.暖通空调,2018, 48(10):71-75

·         曲明璐*,秦瑞丰,唐雍博,等. 不同室外温度下复叠式空气源热泵蓄能除霜运行特性实验研究(2):蓄能除霜模式.暖通空调,2018, 48(11):99-102

·         曲明璐*,李天瑞,樊亚男,等. 复叠式空气源热泵蓄能除霜与常规除霜特性实验研究. 制冷学报, 2017, 38(1): 34-39

·         曲明璐*,樊亚男,李天瑞,等. 复叠式空气源热泵双螺旋盘管蓄热器蓄放热特性实验研究. 制冷学报, 2017, 38(3): 23-29

·         曲明璐*,李封澍,余倩,等. 空气源热泵不同蓄能除霜模式对室内热舒适度的影响. 流体机械, 2016, 44: 60-65



基于多目标物联网控制的高品质居住环境复合换热柔性系统与应用, 上海市人民政府, 上海市科学技术进步奖, 三等奖, 2019
